Thursday, November 4, 2010

The month after.

Loneliness was at first intimidating.

It's so easy to forget how to be with just yourself when one gets surreptiously involved with another.

I was afraid of spending evenings alone with a silent phone. See, it wasn't just one evening, or a couple, even. I could be spending every hour for the next seventy two wondering how to fill up the upcoming one.

Everytime this happens, I'd sleep alot. I'd go into hibernation, foolishly thinking that it'll numb the moments alone away. Not this time. This time, I forced myself to face... me. One week i'd hate myself and blame myself. The next week I'd throw myself into work. Then some days are reserve for bouts of self-pity (yeah it happens). There was even a week where I went into a frenzy, making sure that I had plans every night of the week.

But you know what. I'm beginning to like being around myself.

I'm pleasant. I'm nice. I'm witty. And I entertain. Hell I'm not even that bad to look at! Just yesterday, I spent 2 hours studying my face in the mirror, squeezing stuff out of my pores. I can have tea parties in my head. And I can tell myself the most embarrassing things and it wouldn't matter! I even had time to listen to some of those things running through my head. My goodness, did you know that it was actually possible to block yourself out?

It's a shame, really. If only I realised how spectacular I am... I wouldn't have shared myself quite so willingly.

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