Sunday, November 7, 2010

Passing on the Passion, indeeed.

Staring out my window, watching the rain dance and i suddenly remembered the lamest but most decadently told story: Songs of the Sea.

Hahaha funny, i watched it with Syahir on my left and Hafeez on my right. It was defo our first time and we were all so godforsakenly smelly & sticky and totally shagged out after running all over the place with the monsters for two consecutive days.

Boy were we in awe of the lasers and the water and the lights and fire... All in excess! Hafeez kept going, "Taxpayers money look at that... All tax payer's money" and i still don't think its the tax payer's money they're using since Sentosa is a private corporation but wtvr that's another story.

And omg they made me miss them so much coz had i been together with them during the camp i know i wld've been laughing alot more, rather than bawling and feeling so goddamn lost half the time but it's okay... thank god for haashir who gave me a pep talk every chance he got. Would've probably jumped in with the seals had he not. I still remember how he keeps saying "I'm not saying that ur doing a fucked up job but..." and all i cld think of was how i've never screwed up a job like this bef.. I hate being so helpless. I was all like "O shit i'm gon make haashir look bad coz i suck and he recommended me and i can't even get 20 kids to stand in 2 rows..." But i learnt so much & i survived it & i'm coming back if the schedules permit!

I think it's these kinda disjointed memories that'll always make me smile. Coz after awhile... I'd prolly forget the frikin kids and the mental & emotional torture they've inflicted. They're just kids after all.

I'd remember this :) I'd remember how comforting watching Songs of the Sea with the two smellys felt.

Say awww guys. This post is fer you three!

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